Friday, November 5, 2010

Poquelin, A Rose for Emily, Old Gardiston

      Jean-ah Poquelin as well as A Rose for Emily, are very dissimilar but at the same time have many common elements.
      Poquelin is not really a story of wretched deeds by the main characters as many of these recent novels or short stories have been. When looking back into the recent stories, all of the main characters have something to hide and/or more serious problems do deal with. Poquelin is seen by the town as a crazy old character with an obsession with keeping his privacy in his old home. Many people start to make ridiculous accusations about the old man due to fear and/or suspension. As the story progresses, you realize that it was in fact the people of the town that were the "gothic stereotype". The main character is actually only trying to protect his brother that is now a leper. He knows that the town will ridicule and probably sentence him to death from fear. One could say that the town really does have justification in knowing that something is "off" about the house, but they have the conclusion based on the wrong reason.
      One has to wonder if the justification behind all of this is true. Even though the people are terrified of this disease throughout this time, it even shows up in the literature. This disease is currently still around, but humans are immune to this disease, but at the time, myth and fears were so high that people even began to believe that body parts and such would fall of with the disease... this is a myth that still exists today and shows the true petrification of the people at this time.

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