Thursday, November 11, 2010

Desire, A GoodMan is Hard to Find, Where are you going...

These stories are getting into more modern times, and the plots are more predictable to our modern minds, probably due to more of a realistic and natural protrayal of the dark side of human nature.

In the previous novels, all of the actions taken by the characters have some moral purpose in the end. Whether it is to make up for some past deed, or to simply help the character in immediate peril, there was always some obviously un-realistic action taken by the characters. Take for example Romance of the Forest, no one in their right mind would have not charged La Motte with attempted murder of a Marquis even if Adaline was on the table. There is no reason, with this position, that he could not have taken control of the law and manipulated Adaline anyways (because she had no idea who he was). Of course this would have made for a reasonably uninteresting and short story, but the idea is made.

Now we are getting to the point where the actions are more believable. There are many examples of this, lets start with Blanche. She has had a somewhat bad series of events in her life (some caused by herself) and we can see why she takes the manipulative actions that she does. This is also shown in the grandmother... The family is argumentative, and "normal". The elite-st grandmother is argumentative and annoying, and ends up actually getting shot by the muggers... as would happen in this tangible world.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I can agree with you about how these stories are starting to become more modern and understandable by our generation. Human nature has developed into something that is totally different than what it used to be but at the same time its roots are still there if that makes any since. Great writeup.
